According to reports, Nollywood actor Jim Iyke welcomed his son on September 1, 2015 with Lithuanian boo Dana Kinduryte. Dana gave birth to her son at the Grady Hospital, Atlanta. Report has it that the child has been named Harvis Chidubem Iyke. According to Africaneye,
Dana is a law graduate and she never knew Jim was a famous actor until three months after they started dating. Jim was quoted saying
“My son. After trying a few relationships in the industry at home, I didn’t want the circus and misconceptions that came from close scrutiny so I spared no expense and resources to protect this relationship and my baby.
This time last year I was in depression over my mom’s death. This time around I’m in tears of joy.” See more photos below.
Jim congratulations.i wish your son a good life full of love and excitement.God bless Harvis Chidubem Iyke